

保健品 nanfang 2023-07-15 02:07 144 0


文化交流特約作者 蔡玲玲家風(fēng)家訓(xùn)是一種中國傳統(tǒng)的正能量,這種正能量如何延續(xù)?從瑞安大沙堤俞氏家族,我們或許可以窺見其中的傳承印跡瑞安作為千年古縣,素稱“東南小鄒魯”,其文脈綿長,名人輩出,底蘊深厚瑞安市區(qū)道院前街與小沙巷一帶,清朝年間,居住著“瑞安四大家族”中的兩大家族,那就是一代大儒孫詒讓與其父孫衣言、其叔孫鏘鳴的孫氏家族,黃體芳、黃紹箕、黃紹第等“五黃先生大槍葦人”的黃氏家族。



































2017年,瑞安廣場文化客廳成立,展示俞氏“讀書、慎行、清白、敬業(yè)、勤儉”1大槍葦人0字家風(fēng),并稱:“讀書是主線;慎行、清白是為人處世的準則;敬業(yè)是落實處;勤儉是持家原則”這是對俞氏家風(fēng)內(nèi)涵的簡明準確概括Yu Family’s Motto Emphasizes Important Virtues

The Yu family in Rui’an in southeastern Zhejiang enjoyed a local reputation for about 200 years. The family moved to Rui’an from Shaoxing in the northeast of the province. It struggled for survi大槍葦人val in Rui’an for generations. It was not until Yu Futang born in 1851, a seventh-generation descendent of the Yu family in Rui’an, that the family began to thrive thanks to a group of mottoes formulated by Yu Futang for all the family members to follow faithfully. Nowadays, the Yu family ranks with大槍葦人 three other influential families in Rui’an in local scholars’ understanding of the history of Rui’an.

The ancestry of this branch of the Yu family in Rui’an can be traced to the Tang (618-907) and the Song (960-1279). After putting its roots down in Rui’an, the family prospered as a second-generatio大槍葦人n descendent made a fortune through trade. It went down in the world when it came to the fifth generation. It struggled in poverty when the sixth-generation descendents turned to scholarship. The family practiced medicine for four generations before it realized it needed a clear-cut set of family gu大槍葦人idelines which would keep the family above the ups and downs of times. Yu Futang developed a motto that emphasized education, prudence and integrity as the most important precept that all the family members and future descendents must follow faithfully.

晚年俞春如Scholars emerged from the family. Over dec大槍葦人ades, they wrote 49 books which amount to 8.56 million words. These books are carefully preserved. A poetry collection by Yu Futang is now in the collection of Wenzhou Library. The 120 poems in the collection are essentially about topics such as education, value, virtues such as integrity, family tr大槍葦人adition, presenting a prominent difference from mainstream poems by other poets written about natural beauty, personal experience, history, sentiments, travel, borders, homesickness, and life vicissitudes. 。

Yu Futang was a late bloomer. His education started when he was a child. While working to mak大槍葦人e a living, he squeezed time to study. It was not until he was 24 that he was enrolled into a school supported by the government of Rui’an County. In his adult life, Yu taught as a private teacher. It is said that Dai Jiaxiang (1906-1998), a native of Rui’an who later became a historian and linguist大槍葦人 specialized in the ancient Chinese, studied under the guidance of Yu Futang while Yu was employed by the Dai family to teach children in the family. Yu Futong became an official of the county school at 54. He lived to see the birth of the Republic of China in 1911.

1966年的俞家合影Yu Chunru, a son of Yu F大槍葦人utang, wrote a memoir of his father. The junior said his father emphasized prudence and integrity as a guideline for everyday life. The father advised him to never step into litigations and never exploit the people’s illiteracy for personal gains, never seek connections in high places to push down y大槍葦人our neighbors. 。

After Yu Chunru passed the provincial examination which qualified him to government appointments, the father advised the son not to seek appointment to government positions. “Working as a government official would be the easiest way to get corrupted. Moreover, you are young and ignor大槍葦人ant of the world. If you got yourself into politics, you might easily hurt yourself and the reputation of the family. You’d better work as a teacher and promote Confucianism,” advised the father.

Yu Chunru worked as a teacher in a local middle school in Rui’an. Among his students were some revolution大槍葦人aries who fought and died for the birth of New China. In 1937, he was engaged to compile Annals of Rui’an County. In 1953, he was recruited as a scholar working for Zhejiang Institute of Culture and History.

Many descendents of the Yu family go down in the history of literature, history, culture. In 大槍葦人2005, Wenzhou Daily published a survey that categorized prominent people in various walks of life. Three Yu brothers were listed as best known writers who shared kinship.

Many descendents of the Yu family are now prominent figures. Yu Biao is an accomplished educator who has conducted many education 大槍葦人projects. Yu Fan is a road construction engineer who has three patents under his name.

2016年的俞家合影Yu Futang’s not-to-do list sounds like a set of commandments such as never curry favor with those in power and in money, never go near a wasteful and extravagant way of life, and never tyrannize your neig大槍葦人hbors by bringing them to lawsuits. 。

The family’s mottos chiefly from Yu Futang might not be the best in China, but it served the family and reflected the time when the family tried to go through the world’s vicissitudes and survive decently.

In 2015, the family looked back at the mottos written by t大槍葦人heir ancestors and simplified them into a five-word motto: education, prudence, integrity, dedication, thrift. The family members agree to hold fast to the motto and bring the family to the best possible future.

